About Me

Few years ago when blogging was starting to become very popular, I was one of them who very much interested in starting my own blog. I had so many things in my brain that I want to put into writing, but I was not sure what I want to call my Blog. I was sitting on my chair facing my white colour desk for quite some time trying to come up with an idea. Then I saw an old message note on my desk for my boss which was on a pile of some home works I needed to do. On the top of the note says: "From the desk of ..." and I thought.... why don't I call my blog From The White Desk. So, here we go! After few years putting it off, I am now making it official. 

My name is Caecilia Hapsari. My friends and family call me Lia. I am 100% Indonesian, was born and grew up in Indonesia. I graduated in Hotel Business Management from Birmingham - UK and Master Degree in Human Resources Management in Jakarta - Indonesia. I am now living in Dubai - United Arab Emirates. 

Here, From The White Desk, I will share with you my prayers. Those prayers are always help me grounded. It brings so many miracles in the past and it heals me, so I want you to have them too. 

Most of these prayers are adopted from the Indonesian version. There might be some differences from the the one you normally aware of; but to me if you pray with all your heart - God will listen to you. Some are also posted in Indonesian, so feel free to change the language and interpret it in your own way.  

"When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart." 
Jeremiah 29:13

Thank you for visiting me, don't forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ or LinkedIn.    

Keep the faith and have an awesome day!

Lia Hapsari

Doa untuk orang yang membenci kita

Allah yang maha pengasih dan penyayang, kasih-Mu seringkali dibalas dengan sikap permusuhan. Tetapi Yesus telah menunjukkan kelapangan hati-...