Saturday, January 14, 2017
Rosario Misi Dunia - World Mission Rosary
*Scroll Down for English Version... or you most welcome to use the Google Translate button.
Rosario Misi Dunia pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Uskup Agung Fulton John Sheen, Direktur Penyebaran Iman Masyarakat di tahun 1951. Uskup Agung memperkenalkan Rosario ini lewat sebuah acara radio untuk "Merangkul dunia dalam doa".
Friday, January 6, 2017
Rosario Yesus (The Jesus Rosary - Medjugorje)
Rosario Yesus sesungguhnya sudah dikenal beberapa abad yang lalu, dan menjadi populer kembali ketika pada tahun 1983 Bunda Maria meminta Jelena, salah seorang dari keenam misioner di Medjugorje, supaya kelompok-kelompok doa mengunakan Rosario Yesus sebagi salah satu cara berdoa dalam pertemuan mereka.
Inti Rosario Yesus ini terdiri dari 33 doa Bapa Kami untuk memperingati 33 tahun kehidupan Yesus di dunia, serta 7 peristiwa yang mencakup misteri-misteri utama hidup, karya, wafat, kebangkitan, kenaikan Yesus, dan turunnya Roh Kudus.
Secara berurutan Rosario Yesus didaraskan sebagai berikut:
Dalam Nama Bapa ...
Aku Percaya …
Misteri Pertama
"Kelahiran Yesus"
Mat 1:18-25; Luk 2:16-18; Yes 7:14
Ujud khusus...
Marilah kita berdoa mohon perdamaian dunia.
Renungan dan doa spontan ...
Bapa Kami ... (5x)
Oh Yesus, jadilah kekuatan dan perlindungan kami.
Misteri Kedua
"Kasih Yesus dan belas kasih kepada orang-orang miskin dan yang tertindas"
Mat 8:14-17; Luk 7:11-15; Mrk 10:46-52; Mrk 1:40-45
Ujud khusus...
Mari kita berdoa untuk Bapa Suci dan para Uskup
Renungan dan doa spontan ...
Bapa Kami ... (5x)
Oh Yesus, jadilah kekuatan dan perlindungan kami.
Misteri Ketiga
"Yesus mengandalkan Bapa-Nya dan melaksanakan kehendak-Nya"
Mat 26:39; Mrk 14:35-36; Yoh 6:32-40; Yoh 14:1-7
Ujud khusus
Mari kita berdoa untuk para imam, bruder, suster dan semua mereka yang melayani Allah dengan cara tertentu.
Renungan dan doa spontan ...
Bapa Kami ... (5x)
Oh Yesus, jadilah kekuatan dan perlindungan kami.
Misteri Keempat
"Yesus dengan rela datang ke dunia, menderita dan wafat, karena Ia sangat mengasihi manusia"
Luk 22:39-44; Yoh 10:14-18; Yoh 15:9-13; Rm 15:7-13
Ujud khusus...
Mari kita berdoa untuk para orang tua dan anak-anak mereka.
Renungan dan doa spontan ...
Bapa Kami ... (5x)
Oh Yesus, jadilah kekuatan dan perlindungan kami.
Misteri Kelima
"Yesus menyerahkan hidup-Nya sebagai kurban untuk kita"
Yoh 14:12-16; 1Tim 2:5-6; Ibr 2:9-11; Rm 4:24-25
Ujud khusus...
Mari kita renungkan untuk diri sendiri, agar rela menyerahkan hidup bagi sesama.
Renungan dan doa spontan ...
Bapa Kami ... (5x)
Oh Yesus, jadilah kekuatan dan perlindungan kami.
Misteri Keenam
"Dengan bangkit dari alam maut, Yesus mengalahkan setan dan kematian"
Mat 4:8-11; Kis 2:23-24; 1Kor 15:12-19; 2Kor 4:11-14
Ujud khusus...
Mari kita berdoa supaya kita menyingkirkan segala dosa dari hidup kita, agar Yesus dapat hidup kembali dalam diri kita.
Renungan dan doa spontan ...
Bapa Kami ... (5x)
Oh Yesus, jadilah kekuatan dan perlindungan kami.
Misteri Ketujuh
"Yesus naik ke surga"
Luk 24:46-53; Yoh 16:25-28; Kis 1:8-11; Ibr 1:14
Ujud khusus ...
Marilah kita berdoa supaya kehendak Allah jaya, sehingga kita terbuka terhadap kehendak-Nya dalam hidup kita sehari-hari.
Renungan dan doa spontan ...
Bapa Kami ... (3x)
Oh Yesus, jadilah kekuatan dan perlindungan kami.
Renungan penutup
Mari kita renungkan sejenak mengenai Yesus yang mengutus Roh-Nya serta mohon supaya Roh Kudus turun atas diri kita.
Kemuliaan ... (7x)
Dalam Nama Bapa...
English Version...
Rosary of Jesus is
already well known for several centuries ago, and again became popular back in
1983 when Our Lady Mary asks Jelena, one of the six missionary in Medjugorje,
so that prayer groups using the Rosary of Jesus as one way to pray in their meetings.
The Rosary consists
of 33 'Our Father' to commemorate 33 years of the life of Jesus on earth, as
well as 7 major events including mysteries of life, work, death, resurrection,
ascension, and the descent of the Holy Spirit.
The following is the
Rosary of Jesus prayer:
The Sign of Cross…
The Creed…
1st Mystery:
The birth of Jesus
(Matthew 1:18-25;
Luke 2:16-18; Isaiah 7:14)
Special Intention:
Let us pray for
world peace.
Silent… then
spontaneous prayer…
Our Father… (5x)
Oh Jesus, be our
strength and protection.
2nd Mystery:
Jesus love and
compassion towards poor people and oppressed.
(Matthew 8:14-17;
Luke 7:11-15; Mark 10:46-52; Mark 1:40-45)
Special Intention:
Let us pray for the
Holy Father the Pope and the Bishops of the Church of all nations.
Silent… then
spontaneous prayer…
Our Father… (5x)
Oh Jesus, be our
strength and protection.
3rd Mystery:
Jesus entrusts
Himself to the Father and does His will
(Matthew 26:39; Mark
14:35-36; John 6:32-40; John 14:1-7)
Special Intention:
Let us pray for
priests, brothers, sisters, the clergy and those who in a special way are
called to serve Jesus for all their life.
Silent… then
spontaneous prayer…
Our Father… (5x)
Oh Jesus, be our
strength and protection.
4th Mystery:
Jesus willingly came
into the world, suffered and died because He loves us dearly.
(Luke 22:39-44; John
10:14-18; John 15:9-13; Rome 15:7-13)
Special Intention:
Let us pray for
Silent… then
spontaneous prayer…
Our Father… (5x)
Oh Jesus, be our
strength and protection.
5th Mystery:
Jesus sacrificed His
life for us.
(John 14:12-16;
1Timothy 2:5-6; Hebrews 2:9-11; Rome 4:24-25)
Special Intention:
Let us pray for each
one of us to be able to also offer our life for others.
Silent… then
spontaneous prayer…
Our Father… (5x)
Oh Jesus, be our
strength and protection.
6th Mystery:
By rising from the
dead, Jesus defeated Satan and death.
(Matthew 4:8-11;
Acts 2:23-24; 1 Corinthians 15:12-19; 2 Corinthians 4:11-14)
Special Intention:
Let us pray that all
sins be eliminated and that Jesus may live in our hearts.
Silent… then
spontaneous prayer…
Our Father… (5x)
Oh Jesus, be our
strength and protection.
7th Mystery:
Jesus ascended into
(Luke 24:46-53; John
16:25-28; Acts 1:8-11; Hebrews 1:14)
Special Intention:
Let us pray for the fulfillment of God’s will.
Silent… then
spontaneous prayer…
Our Father… (3x)
Oh Jesus, be our
strength and protection.
Silent… and Closing
Let us think for a
moment about Jesus who sent his Spirit and to pray for the Holy Spirit fall
upon us.
Glory be… (7x)
Sign of Cross...
"13We have the same faithful spirit as what is written in scripture: I had faith, and so I spoke. We also have faith, and so we also speak. 14We do this because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus, and he will bring us into his presence along with you." 2 Cor 4:13-14
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