Saturday, January 14, 2017

Rosario Misi Dunia - World Mission Rosary

*Scroll Down for English Version... or you most welcome to use the Google Translate button. 

Rosario Misi Dunia pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Uskup Agung Fulton John Sheen, Direktur Penyebaran Iman Masyarakat di tahun 1951. Uskup Agung memperkenalkan Rosario ini lewat sebuah acara radio untuk "Merangkul dunia dalam doa". 

Keunikan dari Rosario ini adalah rangkaian rosarionya terdiri dari lima warna yang mewakili 5 benua di dunia. Warna - warna tersebut sebagai simbol dan pengingat lembut yang membantu kita untuk lebih fokus dalam doa-doa kita.

Rosario ini merupakan kehormatan karya misi, panggilan kita untuk menjadi misionaris, untuk kesatuan dan perdamaian dunia melalui penekanan khusus pada masing-masing daerah bumi, di mana doa-doa yang diperlukan dan saudara-saudara kita di dalam Kristus hidup dan berdoa seperti kita. 

Jika anda tidak mempunyai Rosario Misi yang berwarna - warni, jangan takut! Anda tetap bisa melakukan doa ini dengan menggunakan Rosario biasa. Urutan doanya pun hampir sama dengan Rosario biasa. Ikuti saja urutannya sebagai berikut. 

Tanda Salib...
Aku Percaya…
Bapa Kami… 

Allah segala kebenaran, Bapa, Putra dan Roh Kudus. Dengarlah doa kami, yang kami panjatkan bagi mereka yang tidak mengetahui Engkau, bahwa nama-Mu harus dipuji diantara segala bangsa di dunia ini. Peliharalah dan ilhamilah pelayan-pelayan sabda-Mu. Curahkanlah semangat yang baru jika iman mereka goyah, peliharalah iman kami yang masih rapuh ini. Perbaharuilah semangat missioner kami. Jadikanlah kami saksi-saksi akan kebaikan-Mu supaya kami penuh daya dan iman, demi kemuliaan-Mu, dan penyelamatan dunia ini. Amin. 

Salam Putri Allah Bapa, Salam Maria… 
Salam Bunda Allah Putra, Salam Maria… 
Salam Mempelai Allah Roh Kudus, Salam Maria… 

Ya Yesus Kristus, Putra Allah Bapa, utuslah RohMu keseluruh dunia sekarang ini juga. Hendaklah Roh Kudus itu tinggal didalam hati kami semua bangsa, supaya mereka jangan merosot atau kena malapetaka serta peperangan. Semoga ibu semua bangsa yaitu Santa Maria menjadi pembela kita. Amin. 
Bapa Kami… 

1. Warna Hijau: Untuk Benua Afrika. 
Mengingatkan kita akan hijaunya hutan Afrika. 
Aku berdoa khususnya untuk kepentingan semua orang, terutama bagi orang-orang berdosa yang menolak Tuhan. Orang-orang Kristiani yang imannya lemah, saudara-saudara yang miskin, yang kelaparan, yang tidak mempunyai rumah, tidak mempunyai pekerjaan, yang serba kekurangan, yang menderita karena ketidakadilan, yang terkurung dalam penjara. Semoga setiap orang dapat menikmati suatu kehidupan yang terbuka, penuh iman, damai dan nyaman. Untuk Gereja, keluargaku dan sahabat-sahabatku. Aku bersyukur dan memuji Engkau. Semoga Tuhan akan mengabulkan doa-doa kita dalam kemurahanNya, dengan perantaraan Bunda Maria, Ratu Surga dan Dunia. 
Salam Maria… 10X
Ya Yesus Kristus… 
Bapa Kami… 

2. Warna Merah: Untuk Benua Amerika. 
Warna dasar pelangi mengingatkan kita akan suku-suku asli di Amerika. 
Aku berdoa… 
Salam Maria… 10X
Ya Yesus Kristus… 
Bapa Kami… 

3. Warna Putih: Untuk Benua Eropa & Sri Paus di Roma. 
Mengingatkan kita akan putihnya salju. 
Aku berdoa… 
Salam Maria… 10X 
Ya Yesus Kristus… 
Bapa Kami… 

4. Warna Biru: Untuk Kawasan Oceania. 
Terdiri dari pulau-pulau yang tak terhitung jumlahnya tersebar di Lautan Teduh. 
Aku berdoa… 
Salam Maria… 10X
Ya Yesus Kristus… 
Bapa Kami… 

5. Warna Kuning: Untuk Benua Asia. 
Warna matahari, Asia benua yang jumlah penduduknya paling besar di dunia. 
Aku berdoa… 
Salam Maria… 10X 

Tanda Salib… 

English Version...

World Mission Rosary was first introduced by Archbishop Fulton John Sheen, Director of the Propagation of the Faith Community in 1951. These Rosario Archbishop introduced through a radio show for "Embracing the world in prayer". 

The uniqueness of this Rosario rosary is a series of five colors representing the five continents of the world. The colors are symbols and a gentle reminder that helps us  focus in our prayers. 

This Rosario is an honor mission, our calling to be a missionary, and the unity and peace of the world through a particular emphasis on each region of the earth, where prayers are needed and our brothers in Christ live and pray like us. 

If you do not have Rosario Mission which is colorful, do not be afraid! You can still do this prayer by using ordinary Rosary. The order of prayers was almost the same as ordinary Rosary. Just follow the sequence below.

Sign of Cross…
The Apostles Creed…
Glory be… 
Blessed be the name of Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph, now and forever.
Our Father

God of all truth, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hear our prayers, we pray for those who do not know thee, that thy name should be praised among all the nations of the world. Nurture and inspire the servants thy word. Give them a new spirit if their faith faltering, and nurture our still fragile faith. Renew our missionary spirit. Make us witnesses to your goodness and power so that we are full of faith, for the sake of thy glory, and the salvation of the world. Amen.

Hail Daughter of God the Father, Hail Mary ...
Hail Mother of God the Son, Hail Mary ... 
Hail the Bride of the Holy Spirit, Hail Mary ...

Glory be...
Blessed be...
O Jesus Christ, Son of God the Father, send now Your Spirit throughout the world. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of us all nations, strengthen our faith and hide us from any calamity and war. May the Mother of all nations, Mother Mary became our advocate. Amen.

Our Father…

1. GREEN which represents AFRICA 
Our Prayer for Africa: 
Let us pray for the people of Africa and all the missionaries working there. Let their work be helpful for all. Let us pray for an end to all fighting and for the Church to grow. Amen. 

I pray especially for the benefit of everyone, especially for sinners who rejects God. Christians whose faith is weak, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless, the deprived, suffering from injustice, confined in prison. We hope that everyone can enjoy an open life, full of faith, peace and comfort. For the Church, my family and my friends. I thank and praise you. I hope God will grant our prayers in His mercy, by the intercession of Mary, Queen of Heaven and the World. Amen. 

Green was chosen to show the forests and grasslands of Africa ‘He has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free.’ (Luke 4:18) 

Hail Mary ... 10X
Glory be ...
Blessed be...
O Jesus Christ ...

Our Father…

2. RED which represents THE AMERICAS 
Our Prayer for the Americas: 
Let us pray for the people of the Americas and all the missionaries working there. Let us try each day to find a new way to help others and show that we love all people. Amen.

I pray especially for the benefit of everyone, especially for sinners who rejects God. Christians whose faith is weak, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless, the deprived, suffering from injustice, confined in prison. We hope that everyone can enjoy an open life, full of faith, peace and comfort. For the Church, my family and my friends. I thank and praise you. I hope God will grant our prayers in His mercy, by the intercession of Mary, Queen of Heaven and the World. Amen. 

Red was chosen to remember the fire of faith that inspired missionaries to travel to the Americas ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.’ (Matthew 25:35) 

Hail Mary ... 10X
Glory be ...
Blessed be...
O Jesus Christ ...

Our Father…

3. WHITE which represents EUROPE
Our Prayer for Europe: 
Let us pray for the people of Europe and all the missionaries working there. We pray that the Church here continues to help all those in need, especially the sick. Amen.

I pray especially for the benefit of everyone, especially for sinners who rejects God. Christians whose faith is weak, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless, the deprived, suffering from injustice, confined in prison. We hope that everyone can enjoy an open life, full of faith, peace and comfort. For the Church, my family and my friends. I thank and praise you. I hope God will grant our prayers in His mercy, by the intercession of Mary, Queen of Heaven and the World. Amen. 

White was chosen to represent the Pope, the Shepherd of the World, and his home in ‘Jesus went all around Galilee teaching in the synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom and curing all kinds of diseases and sickness among the people.’ (Matthew 4:23-24) 

Hail Mary ... 10X
Glory be ...
Blessed be...
O Jesus Christ ...

Our Father…

4. BLUE which represents OCEANIA 
Our Prayer for Oceania:
Let us pray for the people of Oceania and all the missionaries working there. Let us also remember all the Christians in the world, especially those that live in remote areas. Amen.

I pray especially for the benefit of everyone, especially for sinners who rejects God. Christians whose faith is weak, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless, the deprived, suffering from injustice, confined in prison. We hope that everyone can enjoy an open life, full of faith, peace and comfort. For the Church, my family and my friends. I thank and praise you. I hope God will grant our prayers in His mercy, by the intercession of Mary, Queen of Heaven and the World. Amen. 

Blue was chosen to remind us of the many oceans of Oceania ‘Whoever drinks this water will get thirsty again. But anyone who drinks the water that I shall give will never be thirsty again.’ (John 4:13-14) 

Hail Mary ... 10X
Glory be ...
Blessed be...
O Jesus Christ ...

Our Father…

5. YELLOW which represents ASIA 
Our Prayer for Asia: 
Let us pray for the people of Asia and all the missionaries working there. Let us also pray for peace and that we may never forget the poor. Amen 

I pray especially for the benefit of everyone, especially for sinners who rejects God. Christians whose faith is weak, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless, the deprived, suffering from injustice, confined in prison. We hope that everyone can enjoy an open life, full of faith, peace and comfort. For the Church, my family and my friends. I thank and praise you. I hope God will grant our prayers in His mercy, by the intercession of Mary, Queen of Heaven and the World. Amen. 

Yellow was chosen to remind us of the morning light that the sun brings to Asia You should pray like this, ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be held holy, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ (Matthew 6:9-11) 

Hail Mary ... 10X
Glory be ...
Blessed be...

Sign of Cross...

 "11I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope. 12When you call me and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. 13When you search for me, yes, search for me with all your heart, you will find me. 14I will be present for you, declares the Lord, and I will end your captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have scattered you, and I will bring you home after your long exile, declares the Lord."
(Jeremiah 29:11-14)

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